Noelle: Maggie isn't feeling so well this morning, Amy said she threw up her breakfast
Nicole: Oh poor thing! I will be sure to keep an eye on her today
Noelle: Ok thanks. I am outta here - gotta get to work. Oh, by any chance did some of my underwear get mixed up with yours in the laundry? I am missing several pairs. So weird.
Nicole: No - I haven't seen any. Did you check between the washer and dryer? Maybe they fell down there?
Noelle: Yes I did, not there. Oh well. I bet they will turn up.
Nicole: Maybe they are in Maggie's belly!
(laughter from both)
Noelle: Ok - I am off to work! Keep me posted on how Maggie is doing. Bye!
Nicole goes on about her morning, is making some tea when she turns around to see Maggie throwing up again.
Mystery solved! That's right. Not one, not two, not three....but four pairs of thong underwear!!