Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello from Gus

Hi all,

Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I am still working on house training. I am getting pretty good at going when they take me out, but I do not give much of a signal at other times. I try to be subtle and just sniff around a bit, then I pee on the carpet. Mom and dad do not get mad, but I sure hate seeing them do all that extra work. Are any of you guys giving a specific signal when you have to go out?? Let me know cause I'd be glad to try it.

I did get a bath recently which was fun and I am learning to walk on a leash.

Hope you all are doing well.
Love Gus


  1. Indigo does a little dance (although will sometimes just squat even though she just went pee 20 mins before!). She is getting better about going to the door and whining or jumping and scratching. So, I think it's just a time thing!

    Good job walking on the leash, Gus!!!

  2. Ace doesn't really give any signals either...I think it's harder for the males. However, he does seem to only enjoy peeing in the dining room so when I catch him heading that way, I say "let's go potty" and he runs to the back door. However, if I don't catch him, that seems to be his favorite place to go. I've found that confining him to the kitchen seems to help...he actually went to the back door and scratched at it and gave a small yelp when he had to go. He is doing better...he used to go every 30 minutes or so and then just a little bit but now he seems to be able to hold it we'll just keep working on it. He's finally sleeping through the night without having to go and I'm only coming home once during the day to let him out...yeah Ace!

    I never thought there would be another dog that would steal my heart the way Gabe did but I was wrong...I am so glad we got Ace and I am crazy nuts about him...he makes me smile and laugh all the time!!!

  3. Gus - we need to see pics of you! I miss you so much -- come and visit anytime. Maggie and Pelham would love to have a play date with you. Tell Steve he could even drop you off for the day and you can spend the whole day with us playing, sleeping, eating, while he is at work!
